I am just so freakin tired now as I blog hop but I stumble upon my blog stated on the top of the list to do this meme... Part of me kinda reluctant as it is pretty silly yet, ego tak terhingga came out... First on the list!!!
So here goes...
1. Which feature do you zoom in on when you meet a guy for the first time?
English!!! Can't stand those who can't speak good english. Next I am zooming on the face, pleasant and bearable is fine. Next will move on to arms, chest, height then... ass!!!
2. Who is your role model?
I suppose its really my parents... (awww...) Its a love hate relationship...
3. What's the healthiest thing you would eat among sushi, salad and sandwhich?
Hmmm... Salad la... But basically I could gobble all three cos they seem to be good enough to be fitted in my favourite menu...
4. Which movie you can watch again and again?
Enchanted (How does she know... You love her...)
5. Three gadgets that you can't live without?
My handphone, Ipod, Khamputer...
6. What is your most annoying habit?
Picking my nose in public, or is it scratching my head frantically?
7. What's one thing you're glad you've outgrown?
My school pants...
8. I get nervous when...
I am about to get on stage but being on stage seemed rather less nerves but more adrenaline...
9. My biggest fear is...
Die before I retire... due to cancer, AIDS... etc
10.The best thing I've done for myself is...
Look in the mirror and tell myself how good looking I am...
11. Pass this meme to 5 people.
Marvis: http://makingofmarvis.wordpress.com/
Joery: http://joery-joery.blogspot.com/
Fable: http://afrogpointsofview.blogspot.com/
Bed Story: http://bedstory.blogspot.com/
Adrien: http://adrienz.blogspot.com/
After so many moons, I am back. I guess I am just bored. And the other
social media has turned into one... dull place where people judge you
nonstop. For a...
6 years ago