Saturday, May 31, 2008

27 Dresses... and two hot cutie pies...

Well, its a lazy Saturday afternoon where i was supposed to be studying for my next paper, I decided to watch a little movie, the downloaded version of 27 dresses by the ever so beautiful Katherine Heigl and the dashing James Marsden...

Gosh, I am a sucker for movies like this. Beautiful dresses, weddings, love, romance, bitch slaps and lots of laughter. I love happy endings... I love it when the whole movie revolves around the search for happiness, true love and all those sweetness that Hollywood injected in our minds, totally corrupting the reality of true romance and marriage. I am just so enthralled by the whole concept of the dresses she kept and that at last, they all repaid their dues and attended the wedding in the brides' respective dresses...

Favourite part has got to be staring at James Marsden's eyes...

And also at the hunky Edward Burns...

Well, but this movie kept me thinking... We all have a very fixed sorta idea as to how our true love is to come and materialise in our eyes but hey, they come in the most unexpected form and well, people, are at times filled with surprises...

So I guess all I have to do now is to wait, wait and see when will I ever be sucked into my whirl-wind romance like how Jane fell for Kevin in the bar... And I wish i get to mouth out that he is sexy as well!!!

This movie is so my favourite!