Thanks for accepting me as I am. You are a remarkable guy I feel privileged to know. But don't make people feel like you so much, it's not fair...
Those were Micheal's very words in a text message I gotten as I arrived at the train station. I stood there alone, thinking about those words. It is just so lovely to have someone say that you are a remarkable person even after we have just had a short conversation and I looked at myself.
At that moment, I realised something in me. I realised I have always lived in the shadow of someone else. Be it someone I look up to or someone I think is socially acceptable. I forgotten that being myself is not that bad. I am not particularly loathful and I always think I am a pretty decent guy. But somehow, I feel a need to be inadequate. A need to be insignificant. I need to mask my true self behind a facade of graffitised personality(s) of someone else.
In short, I have forgotten how beautiful I can be when I am myself...
A sudden rush of liberty and freedom gushed through my bones... I no longer find a need to feel socially acceptable just because I am someone else...
I just feel so...
you're beautiful, it's true!! XD
This was an article I'd posted on accepting ourselves and take off those masks we'd been wearing, hope it helps. Like JD, we are all beautiful as we are. It takes us to realise that first and then by accepting that, the world could only see the true beautiful you.
Fly little birdie fly~~~
JD Cole: So jiwang one...
nase: Thanks... Yeah... I finally see the light
QR: Flying... I'm flying... Eh when u coming beck?
sometimes i feel the same with you, feeling that how beautiful i am when alone...
but i'm horny, can't sleep alone LOL
Heh. Time to love yourself. :)
Willy: Awww... You and I so the same same hor?
Ban: Yeah... It's time man...
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